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How Long Before Trump Meetings are Compared to Nuremberg Rallies?


Patrick Cleburne
August 21, 2015


A startling thing has happened to Donald Trump’s rally in Mobile Alabama, scheduled for Friday evening.

City officials have confirmed to News 5 the location for Donald Trump’s pep rally in Mobile on Friday night has been moved to Ladd-Peebles Stadium…

“It’s due to an overwhelming response,” said Kayla Farnon, spokeswoman for the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office. “More than 30,000 people have been confirmed to attend.

…As we had previously reported, Trump’s town hall rally in Mobile was originally planned to be held in the theater at the Mobile Civic Center, which seats less than two-thousand people.

Trump Rally Moved to Ladd-Peebles Stadium, Tens of Thousands Expected By J.B. Biunno and Ashley Knight and Emily DeVoe August 19 2015

Trump’s rally in New Hampshire last night startled the Real Clear Politics observer

“I don’t see how he’s electable. Bush is a low-energy person,” he said. “It’s hard for him to get things done.”

…“The reason I talk about Jeb is because he was supposed to do well in New Hampshire, but he’s going down like a rock,” Trump said during his town-hall to cheers from a crowd that was more rowdy and generous with applause for the host — and with boos for his rivals — than those at most political events.

(My emphasis) Trump Mania Eclipses Bush at Twin N.H. Town-Halls by Caitlin Huey-Burns August 20, 2015

Time reported something similar from last weekend’s Iowa State Fair

The state trooper in charge of the event told the governor that in all his years working the fair, he had never seen a candidate mobbed like Trump.

The Donald Has Landed Michael Scherer August 20 2015

Peter Brimelow predicted in The Trump Wrecking Ball, The Washington Cartel, And The Jews that notwithstanding Trump’s careful conventionality on Israel, the fanatical open-borders ideology pervading the bulk of this powerful community will eventually cause them to become as hostile to him as they were to Pat Buchanan.

I think we may not have to wait so long. A couple more events like Mobile looks like being and we are going to be deluged with Nuremberg rally comparisons. No one who can stir up the Serfs like this is going to be trusted.

Chemi Shalev: American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Immigration Policy


Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
August 22, 2015

Chemi Shalev
Chemi Shalev

Haaretz columnist, Chemi Shalev, complains that Jewish organizations have not been up in arms about Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy. The reason Jewish organizations must act is because over 90 years ago the US passed an immigration restriction bill that shut off the flow of Eastern European Jews to America.

The basic logic here is that the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act was the Original Sin of White America. The attempt on the part of Americans to fashion their immigration policy to retain an ethnic status quo as of 1890 was so horrifically evil that Jewish organizations have a duty to once again bring all the pressure they can muster to allow in every last immigrant who wants to come to America. Needless to say, Israel’s immigration policy — clearly engineered to retain Jewish ethnic dominance — is not at issue for Shalev.

I won’t dispute Shalev’s point that the main concern of White America in 1924 was the influx of Jews, but of course he fails to contextualize this concern properly. As I noted elsewhere, there was an

explicit concern about lack of assimilability. Although the bias toward Northern Europeans did indeed discriminate against Southern and Eastern Europeans, it was obvious from the debates that the main concern was Eastern European Jewish immigrants, large percentages of whom were radicals (see here, p. 271 ff) and none of whom identified with the people or culture of Christian, Northern European America. Support for immigration restriction was centered in rural America, particularly in the South and West; as John Higham noted, “Jews, as a result of their intellectual energy and economic resources, constituted an advance guard of the new peoples who had no feeling for the traditions of rural America” (Send These to Me: Immigrants in Urban America, rev. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, 168–169). Lack of rapport with the traditional people and culture of America was apparent among the New York Intellectuals and among Jewish radicals who were entirely mainstream in the Jewish community. In the immigration debates of 1924 Representative Knud Wefald of Minnesota emphasized lack of sympathy with traditional American culture:

I for one am not afraid of the radical ideas that some might bring with them. Ideas you cannot keep out anyway, but the leadership of our intellectual life in many of its phases has come into the hands of these clever newcomers who have no sympathy with our old-time American ideals nor with those of northern Europe, who detect our weaknesses and pander to them and get wealthy through the disservices they render us.

Our whole system of amusements has been taken over by men who came here on the crest of the south and east European immigration. They produce our horrible film stories, they compose and dish out to us our jazz music, they write many of the books we read, and edit our magazines and newspapers. (Cong. Rec., April 12, 1924, 6272)

Thus a main concern in addition to the very large numbers of radicals among Jewish immigrants and the fact that sympathy for the far left was entirely mainstream within the Jewish community,  was that Jews were fast becoming an intellectual elite with very different attitudes than the traditional people of America. These concerns are more than justified given the subsequent history of the US, and particularly US immigration policy where Jewish organizations led the campaign culminating in the 1965 immigration law that ended the ethnic status quo legislated by the 1924 law and opened up immigration to all the peoples of the world.

Unlike the 1924 law, the 1965 immigration law was not at all in response to public outcry but to prolonged pressure that was organized, funded and led by the organized Jewish community; it also occurred in the context of the ascendancy of Jewish-dominated intellectual movements that undercut the intellectual basis for immigration restriction rooted in the legitimate ethnic interests of the traditional people of America (see herepassim).

Since 1965, the mainstream Jewish community has strongly supported increasing the numbers of immigrants, as for example in their support of the Schumer-Rubio immigration amnesty/surge immigration bill in 2013. During the public debate, Jewish organizations once again flogged the 1924 law as the epitome of evil.

The immigration policy advocated by Jewish organizations for the US has always had two main components:

  • Maximize the total number of immigrants; in the immediate aftermath of the passage of the 1965 law that removed the bias toward Western Europe, Jewish immigration activists switched to focus on maximizing total numbers.  (See here, p. 291)
  • Promote the idea that immigrants not be chosen for their ability to make an economic contribution to the U.S. The assumption is that, apart from those who are “dangerous or a threat to national security,” all immigrants in whatever numbers have a positive impact on the society as a whole  (see previous link, p. 277-278). Family reunification, which has been a bedrock Jewish attitude at least since the 1940s (see previous link, p. 277-278),  is the basis of chain migration which has been one of themain reasons why numbers of immigrants has skyrocketed.

So that leaves us with Shalev’s concerns about the relative silence of Jewish organizations:

The U.S. might desperately need immigration reform but that does not excuse the deathly Jewish silence on Trump’s outrageous statements. … If one wants to be generous, one can ascribe the American Jewish muteness to other preoccupations, ranging from summer vacations to arguments over the Iran deal. Perhaps, like some Republican presidential hopefuls, they are simply afraid of the kind of verbal retribution that Trump might unleash if he is criticized. Others still might be motivated by the kind of deep seated hatred of Obama that has caused many Jews to hear, see or speak no evil of any of his potential adversaries.

The most disconcerting possibility, however, is that Jews are losing their historical support for immigration as a defining value of the American ethos; that they are no longer moved by the plea “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” written by Emma Lazarus and engraved on the Statue of Liberty.

I rather doubt the latter reason is at all likely, and I won’t comment further on the glaring intellectual blind spot shown by Shalev where it’s morally okay for his people to have an ethnostate but anathema for European Americans.

However, it is interesting that Jewish organizations have remained relatively silent. As noted regarding the 2013 immigration debates, Jewish organizations were not at all shy about advocating the immigration amnesty/surge bill, finding their rationale in a supposed uniquely Jewish morality while making moral condemnations of its opponents.

It makes sense to suppose that since Jewish organizations are very publicly opposing Obama’s Iran deal, it might seem poor strategy to have Jewish organizations taking sides against Trump. One issue at a time. Also, there may well be a strand of Jewish thinking that any Republican would be relatively good for Israel given the unanimity of Republican opposition to the Iran deal. Still, I really can’t believe that Jewish activists would be bothered by a second Clinton presidency given her support among fanatical  Zionists like Haim Saban and her coterie of neocon foreign policy people.

Further, the immigration debate will be with us long after the vote on the Iran deal in September. Plenty enough time to pull out all the heavy artillery for the 2016 election. After all, lots of pundits are still predicting that Trump will be forgotten as a candidate in a few months. And from their point of view, the nomination and then resounding, often-predicted defeat of a Republican populist candidate would be cause for great rejoicing—a resounding defeat for the traditional people and culture of America.

Also, Trump’s policy statement has been roundly criticized in the mainstream media which has long reflected the views on immigration of the organized Jewish community. Here it would be silly not to mention Jews as media owners, media producers, and as able to expunge voices that violate the current racial zeitgeist (see here and here).

In a real sense, much of the mainstream media functions as a proxy for the views of the organized Jewish community; proxies have a similar effect but have the advantage of not calling attention to Jewish identities and interests. As Patrick Cleburne notes in a comment on the thousands that are expected to turn out for a Donald Trump rally in Mobile, Alabama:

 A couple more events like Mobile looks like being and we are going to be deluged with Nuremberg rally comparisons. No one who can stir up the Serfs like this is going to be trusted.

Implicit in this statement is that Jewish concerns about White people turning into Nazis dominate the mainstream media. And although the media’s comparisons will be with Nazi rallies, it will be their proxies in the media making the comparisons, not Jewish organizations — at least for the time being.

This calls attention to the fact that Jewish organizations would do well not to take a public stance on Trump simply because he has touched a public nerve. It’s one thing to ruin careers of people with relatively little power, but certainly Trump is not so easily dealt with given his celebrity status, his wealth, and what increasingly seems to be his political deftness. The weakness of Jewish power is that, despite Jewish influence on the media, it has typically opposed strong trends in traditional American culture (public presence of Christianitygun controlthe public culture of homosexuality) that remain popular with substantial percentages of the public despite Jewish media influence.

This is also true of immigration. Despite the tsunami of positive messages on immigration emanating from the mainstream media, Trump’s policies on immigration are clearly in sync with the views of most Americans. Jewish attitudes on immigration are certainly not deeply rooted in popular attitudes among White Americans. The anti-White revolution has been a top-down phenomenon which has occurred because fundamentally America is now an oligarchy, not a democracy. Trump’s populist appeal is a real threat to our new, hostile elite because it is fundamentally uncontrollable.

In addition, it is quite possible that another reason for the relative silence is that the aura of Jewish moral superiority that has been so important for Jewish success has been slipping noticeably lately. This has occurred particularly on the left with the success of the BDS movement because of the behavior of Israel toward the Palestinians, and anyone who is remotely familiar with Israel is quite aware of Jewish double standards and hypocrisy on immigration as a moral imperative.

The loss of the Jewish image of victimhood and moral superiority would indeed be a very large step in the right direction. If and when Jewish organizations feel that it would be counterproductive to issue statements supporting immigration, it would be a great sign that things really are changing. I rather doubt that we are there yet, but their aura of moral superiority has never been so vulnerable.

Trump Supporters are the Worst People in America


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 24, 2015

The Jew blog Gothamist (meet the staff!) has labeled Trump supporters who attended his Alabama spectacular as “the worst people in America.”

They did this by showing a photo gallery of the folks they consider terrible.

Let’s look at a couple of the pictures they included.

GOP 2016 Trump_chun (8) GettyImages-484801222 GOP 2016 Trump_chun (2) GOP 2016 Trump_chun (6) GettyImages-484797684 GettyImages-484797626 GettyImages-484797712

Whatever you think of Trump as a person, the people in these pictures are in fact the best people in America, and the only people who actually deserve to be called “Americans.”

So why does Gothamist label these people was the worst in America? Well, the commentary following the photo gallery doesn’t explain. I guess we are just supposed to think “haha, stupid evil White people and their evil belief they have a right to exist, haha, so funny, haha, they are evil.”

Jake Dobkin, publisher of Gothamist and moral compass of America.
Jake Dobkin, publisher of Gothamist and moral compass of America.
Just for comparison, moral compasses used to look like this.
Just for comparison, moral compasses used to look like this.

The Jewish narrative has never been particularly nuanced, but now it is coming across as borderline retarded. We have passed peak Jew, and these people running the Jew web are no longer fooling anyone but sub-100 IQ morons and non-Whites.

If a crowd of obviously law-abiding middle class patriotic White people are the “worst people in America,” Gothamist, then who are the best (or at least mean average) people in America?

Oh, right – the ones with the moral high ground.

ferguson-rioters1-628x356 rioting-blacks maxresdefa ult sin-nombre-009-LST065522b BigPhoto_01 y 2014-11-17-mrconservative-546a549b74f98 04race2 150814_POL_SandersBlackLivesMatter.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2 r0_121_1024_700_w1200_h678_fmax1 SUB-STLOUIS-1-master675A man leaves a store on Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo. A few thousand people crammed a suburban St. Louis street Sunday night at a vigil for unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown shot and killed by a police officer, while afterward several car windows were smashed and stores were looted as people carried away armloads of goods as witnessed by an an Associated Press reporter. (AP Photo/St. Louis Post-Dispatch, David Carson)ferguson-5 baltimore-riot-fire-looting-600 Burning-police-van-and-man-walking-in-Baltimore-AP-Photo-640x480epa04723494 Looters walk with merchandise from a CVS during a protest for the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 27 April 2015. Gray died of spinal cord injuries on 19 April while in police custody; the US Justice Department announced that they are launching their own investigation into the case.  EPA/NOAH SCIALOM1430504773638 _82608415_82608414 baltimore-riot-police-car-AFP-640x480

The Donald to Faggot Cuban Reporter: “I’ll Use the Word ‘Anchor-Baby'”


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2015

More than any of his words, the testosterone of The Donald is what is appealing to people.

When he says “excuse me,” he might as well be punching these fags in the stomach.

Llamas: “Are you aware that the term “anchor baby,” that’s an offensive term.  People find that hurtful …”

Trump: “You mean it’s not politically correct and yet everybody uses it?  Say, y’know what …”

Llamas:  “Look it up in the dictionary.  It’s offensive.”

Trump:  “Give me a different term, give me a different term.  What else would you like to say?”

Llamas:  “‘The American-born child of an undocumented immigrant’.”

Trump:  “You want me to use that?  OK.  No, I’ll use the word ‘anchor baby’.”

Llamas:  “Why … I’m saying …”

Trump:  “Excuse me.”

Llamas:  “Why d’you have to use that phrase?”

Trump:  “I’ll use the word ‘anchor baby’.”

The views he holds can simply be assumed from this type of behavior.

Right-wing flows naturally from masculinity.

Tom Llamas is a Cuban, and clearly fears The Donald will deport him.

We will petition for him to be deported if and when The Donald rules this land.

New Yorker Says Everyone Who Supports Trump is a Neo-Nazi White Supremacist


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2015

Header image is a good image.
Header image is a good image.

The New Yorker has a stupidly long and abysmally pretentious article, written by a certain Evan Osnos (who is married to a certain Sarabeth Berman, and has written for a certain The Tablet), about how Donald Trump is an evil racist and everyone supporting him is driven by Neo-Nazi hate.

We got a shout-out.

When the Trump storm broke this summer, it touched off smaller tempests that stirred up American politics in ways that were easy to miss from afar. At the time, I happened to be reporting on extremist white-rights groups, and observed at first hand their reactions to his candidacy. Trump was advancing a dire portrait of immigration that partly overlapped with their own. On June 28th, twelve days after Trump’s announcement, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed him for President: “Trump is willing to say what most Americans think: it’s time to deport these people.” The Daily Stormer urged white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

We are actually the number one “Neo-Nazi” news site in the world.

But that’s cool, Evan.

When the Trump Train (a machine purposefully built without brakes) first left the station, people were telling me “oh no, don’t endorse him, the Jew media will just associate him with you and that will be bad.”

I said it didn’t matter, and I was correct. They are associating him with everybody. The article mentions Stormfront, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, etc.

"Better to reign in Neo-Nazi White Supremacy than serve in Cuckoldry." -Andrew Anglin
“Better to reign in Neo-Nazi White Supremacy than serve in Cuckoldry.” -Andrew Anglin

But no one cares. Because the “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist” meme is on its last leg, and they are going to kill it completely by calling everyone who supports Trump this slur. They are literally expanding the term to include all White people (the media is even flirting with the Black attempt expand the term to communist Jews such as Bernie Sanders).

This polarization can only be looked at as a good thing. Erase the middle ground.

A couple days ago, the Jew blog Gothamist posted a series of photos of White Christian apple-pie Americans and called them “the worst people in America.” They didn’t explain why they were the worst people in the world, but seemed to be implying it is because they are White.

Ben Yakas is simply concerned.
Ben Yakas – who is just a White guy like you or I, we assure you – is simply concerned.

What is happening is the opposite of what the Jews want to happen. Instead of making White Americans feel guilty about being evil racists, they are driving White Americans toward racial awareness by openly condemning them for having been born with a certain genetic identity.

The New Yorker concludes with this:

Trump’s candidacy has already left a durable mark, expanding the discourse of hate such that, in the midst of his feuds and provocations, we barely even registered that Senator Ted Cruz had called the sitting President “the world’s leading financier of radical Islamic terrorism,” or that Senator Marco Rubio had redoubled his opposition to abortion in cases of rape, incest, or a mortal threat to the mother. Trump has bequeathed a concoction of celebrity, wealth, and alienation that is more potent than any we’ve seen before. If, as the Republican establishment hopes, the stargazers eventually defect, Trump will be left with the hardest core—the portion of the electorate that is drifting deeper into unreality, with no reconciliation in sight.

I would comment on that, but I have no idea what it even means.

Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump, Says If You Don’t Like “Anchor Babies,” How About “Anvil Babies”?


James Fulford
August 26, 2015

I learned about this video from MediaIte, which headed it: Ann Coulter Rails Against ‘Speech Nazis’ at Trump Rally, by Josh Feldman, August 25th, 2015. “Rail”, like “rant”, “spew”, “spout”,  and “screed”, is only used of speech by conservatives. (Tellingly, Rich Lowry once used “screed” to describe something Tom Tancredo had written.)

Ann Coulter is not ranting or railing here,  she’s speaking, and the “speech Nazis” are people like ABC corespondent Tom Llamas, who interrupted a Trump presser to say  “Are you aware that the term “anchor baby,” that’s an offensive term.  People find that hurtful …” Trump swatted it away. Ann suggests “anvil baby” instead, because that’s what they’ll be around the necks of the taxpayers.

Zero Hedge Reprints Jewish Call to Assassinate Trump


Patrick Cleburne
August 26, 2015

George Wallace
George Wallace

Earlier this month in The Trump Wrecking Ball, The Washington Cartel, And The Jews VDARE.com editor Peter Brimelow remarked

Donald Trump has come under intense attack for his stance on immigration. But, for those who remember, it is significantly less intense than the barrage that met Pat Buchanan when he ran for President. One obvious but unspoken reason for this: Trump simply has not riled up the organized Jewish community as much—yet.


But can it last? I would say no. The blind commitment of American Jews to the post-1965 policy of mass immigration, alas, has proved (with notable exceptions) at least as strong as their commitment to Israel.

Plenty of evidence has subsequently appeared to indicate Peter is right, not least the ramshackle smear attempt by an MSM Princeling and ethnic particularist discussed today by Jared Taylor in NEW YORKER’S Evan Osnos Learns Nothing—His Article About Trump Supporters One Long Sneer

But to my mind quite the most extraordinary specimen was reposted yesterday by ZeroHedge as Guest Post: Is Trump Worse Than Hitler? By James H. Kunstler,  August 24, 2014. This was first posted on Kunstler’s own site with the significantly different headline Worse Than Hitler

Basically this essay is deranged. It starts with a stratagem popularized by the Neoconservatives, ingratiatingly and fluently stating the concerns of the target audiences:

Immigration is a practical problem, with visible effects on-the-ground, easy to understand. I’m enjoying the Trump-provoked debate mostly because it is a pushback against the disgusting dishonesty of political correctness that has bogged down the educated classes in a swamp of sentimentality. For instance, Times Sunday Magazine staffer Emily Bazelon wrote a polemic last week inveighing against the use of the word “illegal” applied to people who cross the border without permission on the grounds that it “justifies their mistreatment.” One infers she means that sending them back where they came from equals mistreatment.

It’s refreshing that Trump is able to cut through this kind of tendentious crap.

But then it collapses into a series of subjective complaints about Trump (including ‘the wolverine that lives on top of his head…’), charmingly concluding

World leaders considered Hitler a clown in the early going, too, you know. But the Germans were wild about him. He pushed a lot of the right buttons under the circumstances. Trump is worse than Hitler. And the American people, alas, are now surely a worse lot of ignorant, raging, tattooed slobs than the German people were in 1933. Be very afraid.

(The emphases are ZeroHedge’s)

While Americans are entitled to be offended by what people like James H. Kunstler think of them, what bothers me about the piece is a remark higher up:

The thought of Trump actually getting elected makes me wonder where Arthur Bremer is when we really need him.

Arthur Bremer of course is the man who shot George Wallace in 1972, wrecking the most extraordinary campaign surge before Trump’s. Given the vitriolic style of the rest of the piece it is not possible to excuse this as a joke.

ZeroHedge in my opinion is worth more than the rest of the financial media put together and they have been steadily improving from a VDARE.com perspective as well. I am astonished they should publish this endorsement of assassination. Perhaps the sub editor was too young to catch the Bremer reference.

I hope The Donald has good security. He needs it.

Complain to James H Kunstler.

The Donald Deports Wetback Reporter from Press Conference


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2015

Univision’s Jorge Ramos swam across the Rio Grande to harass Donald Trump about his policies on achor babies and a wall to keep people like him out of the country.

When Jorge got uppity, The Donald straight-up deported him from the press conference.

Jorge is whining that he’s never been kicked out of a press conference before.

Have you ever been kicked out of a country before, Jorge?

Because that’s what’s coming next.

This place is ours. Our ancestors gave it to us.

It isn’t yours.

Get out.


Yes, Evan Osnos is a Jew


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2015

Evan Osnos believes all Trump supporters are evil Neo-Nazi White Supremacists. He's just an average White guy like you, feeling concerned about the fate of America.
Evan Osnos believes all Trump supporters are evil Neo-Nazi White Supremacists. He’s just an average White guy like you, feeling concerned about the fate of America.

Yesterday, I wrote about the anti-Trump article published in the New Yorker, wherein the writer, Evan Osnos, basically claimed that all supporters of The Donald are “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” who he claims live in an alternate reality where Whites deserve their own countries.

The article was 7,500 words of pretentious nonsense, which could have been summed up in a single sentence: “Donald Trump supporters are all stupid evil racists and we must shut it down before it’s too late.”

What Evan Osnos fears America will look like when The Donald is elected.
What Evan Osnos fears America will look like when The Donald is elected.

When writing, I wasn’t certain he was a Jew, but had assumed. He has written for Tablet Magazine, and his wife’s name is Sarabeth Berman (Berman, in America, being an almost exclusively Jew name).

As it turns out, he is a super-Jew.

His grandmother, Marta Osnos, was the daughter of a real life Elder of Zion, as we read in her New York Times obituary.

Mrs. Osnos, who specialized in cancer research, joined Columbia in 1945, shortly after emigrating from Bombay, where she had settled after fleeing her native Poland in 1940. A graduate of Warsaw University and the Sorbonne, she spent 33 years at Columbia and was the author or co-author of 40 research papers published in French, Polish and English.

From 1978 to 1988, Mrs. Osnos was a nutrition consultant at Cornell Medical School. In 1979 she translated ”Hunger Disease: Studies by Jewish Physicians in the Warsaw Ghetto,” which was published by John Wiley and Sons.

Mrs. Osnos was a daughter of Dr. Zygmunt Bychowski, a member of the first Zionist Congress, which was held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897.

In 2002, Evan wrote about his Jew family escaping getting turned into lampshades in The Chicago Tribune.

While I was growing up, our family was always a story without a beginning, full of names without faces.

This much I knew: My grandparents, Jozef and Marta Osnos, left Poland in 1940; they waited out the war in Bombay, where my father was born in October 1943. They settled in New York and started new lives.

The Tribune piece is a 10,000 word jerk-off. No, sorry – I mean “tear-jerker.”

Evan’s father, Peter Osnos, is a top Jew media figure who has written for The Atlantic and is the founder of PublicAffairs, a publishing company which focuses on Jew insider communications.

As Wikipedia tells us:

PublicAffairs was launched in 1997 by Peter Osnos, and has published over 200 books since then. The company publishes mostly non-mainstream non-fiction books about politics and current affairs, both American and international. On its 10th anniversary PublicAffairs arranged a panel discussion with several authors of books published by them, including James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, and George Soros.

In Jared Taylor’s response to the anti-Trump article, he mentioned that Osnos contacted him under the pretext that he was writing about the Dylann Roof incident.

He did the same to me, sending a pretentious email pretentiously intended not to be pretentious.

"I'm totally down, dawg."
“I’m totally down, dawg.”

I didn’t respond because I never respond to any of these pricks asking to talk on the phone, because I understand they are all trying to Jew me (I do respond to emails, sometimes, if they are simple questions, as I think giving simple statements is something of a necessary public service).

As I have stated, my criteria for doing a phone or in-person interview are as follows:

  1. You must work for Rolling Stone
  2. You must put it in writing that I will be on the cover
  3. You must put it is writing that I will be allowed to wear the Bane mask on the cover

Jewing Activated

It begins.
It begins.

The Jew activism against Trump is just beginning. Osnos’ piece has set a narrative that people who support The Donald are “neo-Nazis,” and the rest of the Jew media is already running with it. Huffington Post just did a piece on it, and I’ve gotten three emails from newspapers plus one from CNN asking for comments on Trump.

Even shape-shifting wolves support The Donald
Even shape-shifting wolves support The Donald

A Jew recently openly called for the assassination of Trump.

As I have already said, this “guilt by association” plot is a retarded strategy. This attempt to say “well, Trump is evil, because these evil people support him, so everyone who supports him is evil, so – shut it down.”

I cannot really think of a worse strategy than attempting to paint all Trump supporters as “neo-Nazi White supremacists.” This really speaks to the Jew desperation.

All it is going to do is polarize things (in a way that is good for us and bad for Jews), and make the “neo-Nazi White supremacist” meme even more ridiculous than it already is.

So I say, go ahead, Jews.

We already started the fire.

And Donald Trump is a big guy for you.

Donald Trump 2016

Anchor Baby Born Every 93 Seconds


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2015

We will pick them up the correct way when we load them on trains back to Mexico.
We will pick them up the correct way when we load them on trains back to Mexico.

I had no idea this was happening at this rate.

And no one would have had any idea if it weren’t for one man who dared bring it up.


One out of about every twelve newborns in the United States is an anchor baby, or the U.S.-born child of illegal migrants, according to a Pew Research Center study.

This means that one anchor baby is delivered every 93 seconds, based on the 2008 census data analyzed by the Pew.

The huge number of foreign children born on U.S. soil– roughly 340,000 per year— is also an economic imposition on Americans, who pay taxes to help raise, feed, and educate those children of illegal migrants.

Eventually, those 340,000 U.S.-born foreign children can join the U.S. workforce and compete for wages against the roughly four million children of U.S. parents that enter the slow-growing U.S. economy each year.

Only 28 percent of likely U.S. voters believe that children born to illegal migrants in this country should automatically be American citizens, according to a 2011 Rasmussen Reports survey. In fact, the proposal is so unpopular that even Jeb Bush, who favors large-scale immigration, has criticized pregnant foreigners who grab citizenship for their kids by flying into the country posing as tourists. Bush described the practice as “fraud,” and asserted that, “Frankly, it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country — having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship”

The growing industry of “birth tourism” is so large that even California’s government recently cracked down on the illegal — but rarely suppressed— trade.

Bush really needs to chill out on the “I’m trying to lose on purpose by saying things that could only possibly make people hate me” thing now that it looks as though Hillary is going to go down for all these felonies she’s already publicly admitted to.

I feel pretty chill, Jeb. Just trying to make America great again. You, on the other hand, are starting to look a bit stressed out.
I feel pretty chill, Jeb. Just trying to make America great again. You, on the other hand, are starting to look a bit stressed out.

All of these people need to have their citizenship stripped and they need to be deported.

This is an insane concept. No one can explain how it makes rational sense.

12,000+ Member Pro-Trump Facebook Group Posting Daily Stormer Articles


William Martel
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2015

Click ‘here‘ to visit the page and join it.

This pro-white Trump group on Facebook with over 12,000 members called “Donald Trump For President 2016!!!!!!” recently allied itself with Daily Stormer and has started posting our Trump related articles. They have a zero-tolerance policy for sensitive people who cry “racism” and they ban them on sight. They have maintained a culture of political incorrectness and hope to gain more likeminded members to balance out all the “patriotard” types. If you see a Daily Stormer article posted on that group, like and comment on it so that it exposes as many people as possible to the fact that whites have an identity too and that whites should start collectively voting for their own interests. The following are some memes I found posted in the group.


The Donald Confronted About “White Supremacist Supporters”


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 201

The Jewish publication Bloomberg interviewed The Donald on their “With All Due Respect” program.

The interviewers – there are two of them for some reason, both appear to be ethnically Jewish – pressed the Donald on his “White supremacist supporters” which were featured in a very serious and insightful article by the Jew Evan Osnos in the New Yorker.

Start at 5:00:

The reporters’ question is “why do people like that like Donald Trump?”

In other words, “please explain to us the thought processes of people you don’t know.”

Evan Osnos got to talk to all these “White supremacists” who support trump – except for the Daily Stormer, because I don’t do interviews with rat kikes, no matter how cute their emails are, unless they agree to put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone in a Bane mask – and Evan didn’t even bother to ask them why they support Trump. Or at least he didn’t publish their answers in his 7,500 nonsense piece.

It was all just “oh, they like him, and oh, they want a White America, and oh, Swastika coffee mug.”

No attempt to understand anything or even communicate a concept of any kind.

So since Osnos apparently forgot to ask all these people he interviewed why they tentatively support Trump when he was writing an article about the fact that they support Trump, it is now Trump’s responsibility to figure it out.

The interviewer then asks specifically about David Duke supporting him, and says “would you repudiate David Duke?”

The Donald, mocking the faggot, says “sure. I would do that if it made you feel better. I don’t know anything about him.”

tfw "would you repudiate David Duke?"
tfw “would you repudiate David Duke?”

For the record – as The Donald himself notes in the interview – Duke has not officially endorsed Trump, simply says he’s the best of the lot. He has also continued to express suspicions about his Jewish connections.

Read David Duke’s Response to Media Claims He “Endorsed” Donald Trump

“These evil ones support you, so you must be evil” fell pretty flat, Jews. Trump did not break stride. Not that he ever does.

Oy Vey! Mark Potok Says Trump is a “White Nationalist”


Daily Stormer
August 27, 2015

Mark Potok: The moral compass of America
Mark Potok: The moral compass of America

We are counting down to the entire Jewish media labeling Donald Trump “The New Hitler.”

Huffington Post:

A national hate-group watchdog said on Wednesday that the real estate mogul Donald Trump has “white nationalist positions” on Latino immigrants, whether he considers himself a white nationalist or not.

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based organization that monitors hate groups, told The Huffington Post that former White House communications director and three-time presidential aspirant Pat Buchanan was the last presidential candidate to appeal to white supremacist groups in a similar way.

Trump, who is running for president as a Republican, has attracted the support of a number of prominent white supremacists, including David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

You can go read the full interview if you want, or you can just assume you already know everything he is going to say and be exactly correct in that assumption.

The Donald is Polling at 40%


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2015


How do you stop a train that was literally designed to be built without brakes?


Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner, hit the 40 percent marker in a recent Gravis Marketing poll. According to a report, this is the first time a candidate has reached above the 30 percent mark.

Since the previous survey done by Gravis Marketing on July 31, Trump increased almost 10 points. Dr. Ben Carson increased 7 points and was named the winner in a Post GOP Debate Poll.

Here are the full numbers:

Donald Trump – 40.1%

Ben Carson – 13%

Jeb Bush – 10%

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – 7 %

Carly Fiorina – 5.2%

John Kasich – 4.8%

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) – 4.7%

Mike Huckabee – 3.7%

Scott Walker – 3.5%

Rick Perry – 1.5%

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) – 1.5%

Chris Christie – 1.4%

George Pataki – 1.1%

Rick Santorum – 1%

Bobby Jindal – 0.9%

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – 0.6%

lol @ Little Lindsey.

Cruz, Walker and Sanatorium are all campaigning on anti-immigration, so when they drop out, their votes go to Trump.

How can he not get the nomination?

What could possibly stop this train?

He has already insulted a “war hero” and made a menstrual blood joke.

And his response to “White supremacists” like him was “everybody likes me.”

They even brought up a decades-old rape accusation from his wife – that didn’t even last a full three days in the news cycle.

Donald has tapped into the core of the American soul, which at this point is suffocating under the weight of these brown people.

Jews are now, of course, openly calling for him to be assassinated. That appears to be the only logical next step for them to take at this point.

Colored Bulls Confused, Outraged by Trump’s Refusal to Prep Them


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2015

"El Donald es un hombre malvado. Se niega a acariciar el órgano en la preparación para la acción." -Mexicans
“El Donald es un hombre malvado. Se niega a acariciar el órgano en la preparación para la acción.” -Mexicans

In the mind of the colored folk, the goal of any politician – nay, the goal of any public figure whatever – should be to get them ready to screw White America.

As such, these brown bulls are becoming confused and enraged by The Donald’s refusal to prep them.

Mexicans are outraged at the Donald, even though they won’t actually vote for the GOP no matter what, in any relevant numbers. Even with Jeb Cuck, who speaks only Spanish at home with his Mexican family, running. Because no matter how much he can give them, the Democrats will give them more.

Indians are now also expressing outrage.

Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) of the Onion-style fake newspaper The Washington Post, who recently wrote an article about how “tens of thousands” of non-White immigrants are going to “save Europe,” yesterday joined the chorus of attackers claiming that The Donald is a neo-Nazi icon and must be stopped.

The aggressive bull, concerned that he might soon go unprepped, Tweeted this when comparing Donald to neo-Nazis in Europe:

“I won’t link to where I found it” he says. Because as everyone knows, real reporting is about hinting at things slyly, rather than giving direct information.

For those who can’t guess, the image he tweeted was from this very site.


Silly monkey – journalism is for humans!

I questioned him on Twitter about why it is that he left the diverse paradise of India, simply to be oppressed and abused in racist America.

But he didn’t respond. Blocked me instead.

But I’m sure he saw my further questioning, since people retweeted it.

It’s a very simple question, Ishaan:

What the hell are you doing in my country, complaining about my people, when you have your own country you could go live in?

Very, very, very simple.

But no response. Just “Wahhhhh!!!!! I want someone to prep me so I can screw Whitey out of everything his ancestors built for him!”

The filthy street-pooper even had the nerve to refer to Western civilization as “the detritus of history.”


This is coming from a man who comes from a country where 53% of people defaecate outside.

Times of India
Times of India

The UN has literally launched massive campaigns, begging these people to use toilets.

Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal

Experts allege that 200,000 children a year die because these “people” refuse to use toilets.

Take Part
Take Part

And he’s going to call Western civilization “the detritus of history”?


For how much longer are the masses going to take men like this seriously? It is all now objectively cartoonish. This monkey is an editor of one of the biggest newspapers in America.

Of course, Isaan’s issue with The Donald is that his immigration paper, which was partially written by Jeff Sessions and has the full approval of Anne Coulter, not only deals with illegals but also the street-poopers who are being brought in on H-1B visas to replace White tech workers.

The point is, it doesn’t matter.

Latinos won’t vote GOP and very few of the Indians currently flooding our base have obtained the right to vote, and obviously when they do (and they will, if the Jews have their way), they will also vote liberal. All brown people will always vote liberal, because they want free things from Whitey, and no matter how many free things the GOP promises, the Dems will always provide more.

And the fact is, the more hate that the Donald gets from these colored folk, the better he looks to White America.

Poll: 71% of Americans View Political Correctness as a Problem


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2015

Here's the deal, pussy. I'll say whatever the hell I want and only bullets will stop me.
Here’s the deal, pussy: I’ll say whatever the hell I want and only bullets will stop me.

Political correctness has served the “shut it down” role in America that anti-speech laws in Europe serve.

And people are sick of it.


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 71% of American Adults think political correctness is a problem in America today, while only 18% disagree. Ten percent (10%) are undecided.

The survey of 1,000 American Adults was conducted on August 25-26, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports.

And get this – Rasmussen did the exact same poll, just over a year ago, and the numbers were 10% lower:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of American Adults believe America today has become too politically correct. That number has been climbing since October 2010. Just 12% think the United States is not politically correct enough, while 16% think the amount of political correctness is about right. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure.

71% definitely means there is “bipartisan support” among the public for a scaling back of this idiotic and destructive culture of fake outrage.

Meanwhile, the entire Jew media acts like tumblr represents the mainstream, and that people like having no freedoms.

We want our freedoms back, you whining faggots.

Hernán Rozemberg: More Jewish Ethnic Activism Against Trump


Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2015

As I have said, there is now clearly a Jewish ethnic activism campaign against The Donald.

The latest ratlike Christ-killer to attack Trump is Hernán Rozemberg, writing for the San Antonio Current.

Why this paper is willing to print the word “hard-on” in a headline, I have no idea.

Feeling like your life has been trumped lately by a certain egomaniacal baboon who actually thinks he’s going to become our next president?

You’re not alone.

Getting kinda tiring to be writing about La Trompa, to be honest. He’s like that annoying fly that just won’t go away. You ignore it, thinking it has finally – thankfully – moved on but guess what, it’s still right there buzzing around your friggin’ ear.

But now some say he’s gone too far. Or, at least, that he’s responsible for things going too far.

Talking about his anti-immigrant rhetoric stoking the fire for ultra-xenophobes – white supremacists seeing in Trump nothing short of a potential messiah.

According to the country’s leading organization keeping track of hate groups, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, it’s not just Tea Party and Republican-fringe types that are jumping on the Trump train.

“White nationalists from all sides of the movement are throwing their support behind Trump since his immigration plan was announced,” the center reported this week.

The report cited well-known supremacists such as David Duke either outrightly endorsing or at least expressing public support for Trump, who said he doesn’t need anyone’s endorsement, supremacist or not.

The Jews of Buzzfeed claimed it was a “conspiracy theory” that Jews in the media act in concert to push an ethnic agenda.

But how can it be a theory when you can easily demonstrate, for a fact, that it is happening?

Jewish ethnic activist Hernan Rozemberg believes the Trump Train is frighteningly similar to the trains that led his people to Auschwitz, where they were made into lampshades.
Jewish ethnic activist Hernan Rozemberg believes the Trump Train is frighteningly similar to the trains that led his people to Auschwitz, where they were made into lampshades.

By the way, I don’t really think it’s a conspiracy. I merely think that it is in the biology of the Jew to destroy Western civilization, and that they have begun to view Trump as a positive influence on Western civilization, and so they must act against him.

Why I Will be Voting for Donald Trump in the Republican Primary


Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
August 30, 2015

Despite claims by some in the Jew run media, Donald Trump is not the next Adolf Hitler. He is however changing the political narrative in our favor and we should support this.

I have decided that I will be voting for Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary.  I am also encouraging all readers of the site to do the same.  Living up here in New Hampshire, I believe it is especially important for me to do this as typically the state primary up here sets the tone for what follows.

The main reason why I have decided to support Trump is because he is helping tear down the barriers of political correctness and is making the Jew run media look like a bunch of idiots.  I do not know if he will win the presidency but what I do know is that it is in our best interest to have this guy out on the campaign trail as long as possible.

We simply have nothing to lose by supporting him in the Republican primary.  In fact, my support for Trump is based more on strategy than it is ideology.  There is no way that we can adopt the solutions that we want to adopt until political correctness is eradicated from mainstream political discourse.  Trump is making in roads on this front and we have common ground on key issues like immigration and trade.  I obviously have several ideological disagreements with Trump, but this is a case where I believe that the potential positives outweigh any potential negatives.

Is it possible that Trump is part of a Jew hoax as some have suggested?  Sure I guess anything is possible, but with Trump there is a significant possibility that he isn’t part of a Jew hoax.  In fact, I just don’t see what either party would gain from such an arrangement.  Doesn’t seem to make much sense if you think about it.

Trump is independently wealthy and doesn’t need the blessing of AIPAC or Jewish financiers to run his campaign to the finish.  All of this nonsense about his daughter converting to Judaism and him having business relationships with Jews is not proof that he is controlled by them.  There is also a significant segment of the Jewish and Israeli media that is greatly concerned about a Trump presidency because of his unpredictable nature.  They ultimately don’t even know themselves if he would be good for Jews despite the fact that he has unfortunately expressed support for the Jewish terror state of Israel.  Even on this issue which I greatly disagree with him on, it would not be out of the realm of possibilities for him to reverse course.  Trump is obviously a man who has proven throughout his life that he won’t tolerate getting pushed around so I don’t see him adopting policies that would put Israel first and America second.  His statements questioning American involvement in Jew run Ukraine seem to also suggest this.

With that said, I want to be clear on one thing.  I do not see voting as a solution to our problems.  99% of the time voting is pointless because you have two candidates running against each other who are controlled by special interests and Jewish financing.  In these cases, the best strategy is not to vote at all.  With Trump, there is at least a possibility that he will try to do things to fix America and move it in the right direction.  This is a select case where I believe voting is of strategic benefit to our ultimate political goals.

I have yet to hear a sound argument from those who advocate doing nothing because Trump does not share the racial ideologies of an Adolf Hitler or Ben Garrison type.  These are the same people who offer no viable alternative and go around accusing people who have spoken about the positive aspects of the Trump campaign as being part of some Jewish conspiracy.  This is foolish and counterproductive.  If you agree with someone on almost every political issue but make a huge deal out of a single disagreement and make such blanket accusations while offering no proof, you yourself are the one behaving like a Jew.

Despite overwhelming support from the American people, neo-Nazi, skinhead, militia leader Ben Garrison will not be running for President in 2016. Instead, he has chosen to focus his efforts on building an elaborate underground gas chamber facility at a secret location in the Montana mountains. Garrison hopes to use this facility to gas another 60 trillion Jews in order to produce the same high quality Jew soap and Jew lampshades made popular in Germany during the early 1940s.

The bottom line is that I’m going to vote for Trump and I suggest everyone do the same.  Even if I’m wrong and he turns out to be part of some weird Jew hoax, he’ll have shaken up the political narrative and provided a great deal of entertainment along the way.  Look at how he handled the Taco American agitator Jorge Ramos at a press conference earlier this week.  That was funny.  So unless Ben Garrison takes time off from the construction of his underground gas chambers and announces a presidential run, let’s just vote for Trump and see what happens.

The Psychology of the Great Wall of Trump vs Jeb’s “Can’t Do” Cuckservatism


James Kirkpatrick
August 31, 2015

Admit it, you want to see it built
Admit it, you want to see it built

Mincing cuckservative Jeb Bush is at it again, taking his can’t do attitude to the people.

“What Donald Trump is proposing is a wall that can’t be built,” Bush said in a Sunday radio interview with John Catsimatidis on New York’s AM 970…

However, immediately after Bush declared a wall can’t be built, he also contradicted himself by saying construction of a wall would cost “billions.”

“If it was [built], it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars,” he insisted.

Bush’s calculations predict that each mile of border fence would cost at least $100 million to construct.

[Jeb Bush’s border slogan: “We Can’t Do It,” by Neil Munro, Breitbart, August 30, 2015]

Author Munro, who appears to have migrated from the Daily Caller to Laura Ingraham’s Lifezette and now to Breitbart, adds deadpan:

It appears Bush may have exaggerated the cost of the wall that can’t be built. Experience shows that walls are much simpler to build than spaceships and rockets, nuclear weapons, or a huge military. In fact, the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2009 that the most ambitious border wall under consideration would cost $5.1 million per mile.

Why are the respectable Beltway Right types (what Breitbart’s John Nolte sarcastically calls the “GOP Smart Set”) so impressed with Jeb anyway? Objectively, he’s a terrible candidate. For all intents and purposes, he’s already given the Democrats the equivalent of Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comment weeks ago when he stated his economic policy.

“It means that people need to work longer hours and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families. That’s the only way we’re going to get out of this rut that we’re in.”

[Jeb Bush: Americans ‘need to work longer hours,’ by Anthony Zurcher, BBC, July 9, 2015]

With that kind of rhetoric, Jeb probably couldn’t even beat Bernie Sanders.

It’s also worth keeping Jeb’s “can’t do it” comments in mind whenever he talks about the things we are supposed to believe we can do, like spread democracy around the world, fix American schools with or, for that matter, assimilate tens of millions of Third Worlders.

In contrast, Donald Trump portrays his wall not as a negative thing, but as a great national accomplishment. He calls for building a “wall, a big, beautiful, powerful wall.”

He even gets angry when people call it a “fence.”

This is a great example of “reframing” the debate, something cuckservatives never do. Rather than playing by their enemies’ terms and accepting their moral values, Trump flips the script.

All too often, open borders advocates and even some immigration patriots portray a wall as a surrender, as America “closing itself off” to the world. But Trump says it is the opposite. It’s an act of will, a statement from a people that we will not surrender our identity, we will not give away our country, and we are still capable of great collective action. The great American wall would be a symbol of American renewal and hope, that we can still do mighty things as a nation.

I don’t even care if he puts his name on it. After all, it would just be one more way to trigger Jorge Ramos.

Donald Trump: Last Chance for Conservatism – Or First Sign of White Identity Politics? Maybe Both


James Kirkpatrick
August 31, 2015


Trump-CarsonTrump unstumped: The Donald now has the largest lead of any Republican this election cycle, according to a recent poll showing the real estate developer is beating his nearest competitor (Ben Carson) by sixteen points [Trump lead grows; Clinton slips: poll, AFP, August 27, 2015]. He has displaced Scott Walker to take the lead in Iowa and, perhaps even more telling, has reversed his unfavorability ratings there in an unprecedented way. [This Iowa poll shows just how amazing Donald Trump’s rise has been, by Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, August 30, 2015]. The Beltway Right is unleashing a desperate attack against him, warning that he “is antithetical to the modern conservative movement” (true!) [The anti-Trump angst grows, by Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post, August 30, 2015].

But the truth is that Trump represents a last chance for “conservatism” to remain relevant in American politics. And the borderline hysterical reaction against him reveals the embarrassing fact that political victory, or even influence, is less important to many Conservatism Inc. types than being seen as respectable in the eyes of elite liberal opinion.

Indeed, the problem with Trump seems to be that he may actually serve the interests of the Republican base—something deemed unacceptable inside the Beltway.

Thus Redstate co-founder (and notorious plagiarist) Ben Domenech writes that Trump is a threat to the “classically liberal” American right that “synthesizes populist tendencies and directs such frustrations towards the cause of limited government.” Trump, he intones, represents a turn towards “white identity politics” instead of “freedom,” and a possible regression to the populist European Right, which must be avoided. After all, “in rare places like Hungary, we see what happens when the populist-right actually wins, and it isn’t pretty” [Are Republicans for Freedom or White Identity Politics, The Federalist, August 21, 2015].

Perhaps Domenech is angry that Hungary’s Viktor Orban actually built a fence, instead of lying to voters like our Republican leaders do. But Domenech’s larger concern is that the American Right may reorient itself towards expressing the “narrow” interests of whites “in opposition to the interests of other ethnic groups… in a marked departure from the expansive view of the freedoms of a common humanity.”

Until the nation-breaking 1965 Immigration Act, of course, “whites” would have been called “Americans.”

And there’s an obvious air of unreality to all of this. To Domenech’s first point, what glorious victories for “limited government” has the American conservative movement actually achieved? The intrusion of the federal government into daily life and the constant growth of state power has not been restricted or even significantly slowed despite a half century of effort and repeated Republican victories.

This growth in government power and the collapse of local authority has been justified on the grounds of promoting multiculturalism and fighting supposed white racism. Domenech seems to suggest that instead of combatting hostile Leftist identity politics with identity politics from the Right, conservatives should limit themselves to mutterings about “classical liberalism.” But these appear increasingly disconnected from reality. Much as when the Beltway Right talks about Christianity, classical liberal principles are only invoked when it is time to explain to the pawns why they aren’t allowed to actually expect forceful or successful political action from their political representatives.

As you’ve probably already guessed, National Review’s Kevin Williamson [Email him] is making this case even more explicit. Incredibly, he couples with sneers at the rise of the Sweden Democrats, now the most popular party in Sweden and the only democratic opposition to a forthrightly authoritarian government seemingly obsessed by the desire to replace its own people [Anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats now the biggest party, according to poll, by Richard Orange, Telegraph, August 20, 2015]

Williamson writes:

As with the case of Donald Trump in the United States, the Sweden Democrats illustrate that when responsible parties will not confront the issue of uncontrolled immigration, then irresponsible parties will…

[T]here is a large overlap between those who put immigration restriction at the center of their agenda and those who oppose free trade, and they share the assumption that economic interactions with foreigners absent government guidance toward the “national interest” is necessarily destructive. It is not that there is no such thing as the national interest: We have an intense and necessary interest in what’s going on in Pyongyang at the moment, and what happens in Syria, whether our borders are secure, whether our banking regulations put us at a global disadvantage. But there isn’t a legitimate national interest in having boffins in Washington stand between a fellow in Pittsburgh who wants to buy a pair of sneakers and a guy in Mindanao who wants to sell them to him. [National Fronts, National Review, August 23, 2015]

But if the nation-state is regarded as a legitimate institution, issues such as good jobs, quality of life, trade deficits, and self-sufficiency are more important than simply achieving a low cost of labor. Such issues are at least as “legitimate” as what’s happening overseas.

Moreover, what we are witnessing in both the United States and in Europe is nothing less than a civilizational crisis, enabled and defended by the so-called “responsible” parties. In this context, for a self-described conservative to mention an “intense” national interest in Pyongyang or Syria isn’t just misguided; it’s obscene.

And yet so much of the Beltway Right commentary on Trump is simply an extended whine that the Donald is somehow making the GOP look bad.

Thus National Review Editor Rich Lowry [Email him] sniffs: “Trump is such a forceful communicator that he comes off as some sort of throwback alpha male, whereas Bush is such an earnest wonk he looks and sounds like a sensitive dad from a contemporary sitcom” [The GOP Field That Failed, Politico, August 26, 2015].

Is being an alpha male supposed to be a bad thing? Well, perhaps to Lowry.

Meanwhile, George Will [Email him] worries that Trump will lead to a focus on the white vote instead of the minority vote, which is supposedly a necessity because the share of the electorate that is white is shrinking. Of course, as he admits, even Romney was unable to win many minority voters: “Minorities generally detected Republican ambivalence, even animus, about them. This was before Trump began receiving rapturous receptions because he obliterates inhibitions about venting hostility” [The havoc that Trump wreaks – on his own party, Washington Post, August 26, 2015].

But if this is the case, then what is the point of pursuing the minority vote? Wouldn’t it make more sense to mobilize the white vote?

No one seems to want to answer this question. Instead, the underlying motivation for the hostility against Trump is, quite clearly, a gut hostility towards his (white) supporters.

Thus, Robert Tracinski [Email him] can snark at The Federalist about “single-issue anti-immigration fanatics, Archie Bunker types, [and] outright racists” among Trump’s supporters in a piece urging conservatives to get behind another candidate [Who Are Donald Trump’s Supporters? August 26, 2015].

Unfortunately for Conservatism Inc., this snarking won’t help when even a candidate like Jeb Bush has to get those white voters to turn out for the general election. Every Republican campaign will have to rely on “dog whistling” to some extent, and even GOP candidates who try to avoid race altogether will find their positions will quickly take on racial overtones.

Trump matters because he is connecting the largely symbolic rhetoric of the GOP with actual appeals to the concrete interests of grassroots white conservatives on immigration, trade, and jobs. Politics is about who, not what. Trump’s strategy of mobilizing voters behind an explicitly nationalist agenda may prove harder to contain than Conservatism Inc. expects [What’s the secret to Donald Trump’s appeal? Nationalism by Ezra Dulis, Breitbart, August 7, 2015].

The hard truth: the legacy of William F. Buckley is failure. Because of the massive demographic shift that American cuckservatives enabled when they purged men like Sam Francis, Pat Buchanan, and Peter Brimelow, the future of American politics is, like Francis predicted, ethnopolitics.

The Left is already practicing this, and as the Obama Administration shows, is becoming quite successful. Republicans either need to adopt or find themselves replaced and irrelevant in the emerging post-America. If they had wanted to talk only about “classical liberalism,” they should have stopped Third World immigration a few decades ago.

Trump offers a compromise position with his patriotic vision of renewed American greatness. But Conservatism Inc. may honestly prefer to remain Politically Correct and lose rather than be “offensive” and win. In effect, they may prefer running out the clock on Anglo-America in order to squeeze out consultants’ fees and board directorships for a few more election cycles.

In that case, ultimately, the dread specter of “White Nationalism” will move from the margins to the mainstream as the only alternative to a permanent Leftist (and anti-white) regime.

And, as New York Times slightly-better-than-token-conservative columnist Ross Douthat recently implied, the Beltway Right will only have itself to blame.

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